Thursday, February 18, 2010

Under the Goldfinch Flyway

There are two times each year, usually in mid March and late September, when our yard seems filled with traveling goldfinches, but never as early in the spring as the female I saw yesterday at my birdbath. The bird that’s sometimes called the “wild canary” often shows up in abundant little flocks at our feeders. I counted 14 one late summer morning that were hanging on a backyard feeder, or sitting on nearby shrubs waiting their turn at the trough. The female I saw yesterday showed up before we had our finch feeders out  but she seemed to be getting her fill from the perches on the one for songbirds. I accept all comers to my birdbaths and feeders, but for me the goldfinches are markers of change as certain as the solstices.   GH

1 comment:

Bradfordington said...

I've been hearing spring birds early this year too!